共计 16343 个素材
课程: 全部 2024年秋季Paper-cutting Art (剪纸艺术) 2024油纸伞 Paper-cutting Art 2024春 Chinese Woodblock Printing(雕版印刷) 非遗产品设计创新 传统手工艺人才职业规划与就业指导(基础) 植物染——百花千物芬芳图 萧山花边——萧山彩练舞钱塘 非物质文化遗产与文化创意 汉字艺术创作与应用 杭州刺绣——千针万线绣西湖 Lacquerware Art (漆器艺术) 非遗产品包装设计 杭州天竺筷——两支交合点拨人 The Art of Paper-cutting A 中国丝绸A 非物质文化遗产传习与经营概论A 非遗产品创新与研发A 非遗产品会展策划A 传统手工业作品赏析 宁夏刺绣A 中式旗袍A 雕版印刷A 大国工匠A 金石篆刻A 龙泉青瓷A Seal Cutting A 非遗产品互联网推广 非遗产品创新与研发 开化根雕 传统手工业作品赏析A 非遗产品包装设计A 宁夏刺绣 Paper-Cutting Art (剪纸艺术) 非遗产品会展策划 龙泉青瓷——青雅千年铸文明 中华工匠——精于工,匠于心,品于行 漆艺术——以漆化物有神韵 风骨—从西泠印社看中国文人的执者和坚守A 西湖油纸伞——撑起千彩秀山色 剪纸艺术——一纸剪刻呈万彩 Seal Cutting (金石篆刻) 全形拓——悠悠千年拓包中 非物质文化遗产传习与经营概论 风骨——从西泠印社看中国文人的执着与坚守 金石篆刻——刀痕石上写春秋 中国丝绸——千丝万缕连世界 雕版印刷——木纸相对成史册 中式旗袍——东方魅力款款来

Famous works of Ba Weizu, Hu Tang, Hu Zheng and Wu Zi

简介:Famous works of Ba Weizu, Hu Tang, Hu Zheng and Wu Zi



Famous works of Zhao Shuru

简介:Famous works of Zhao Shuru

Understand the history of seal cutting: Ancient xi in Shang dynasty

简介:Understand the history of seal cutting: Ancient xi in Shang dynasty



Private seals in Qin and Han dynasties: private seals in Qin dynasty(2)

简介: Private seals in Qin and Han dynasties: private seals in Qin dynasty(2)



Basic knowledge of seals for calligraphy works

简介:Basic knowledge of seals for calligraphy works

Works appreciation of famous seal artists,Luo Wanhua, Wang Guxiang, Wenjia and Chengyuan

简介:Works appreciation of famous seal artists,Luo Wanhua, Wang Guxiang, Wenjia and Chengyuan

Famous works of Huang Shiling

简介:Famous works of Huang Shiling

Understand the history of offcial seals in Qin and Han dynasties(3)

简介:Understand the history of offcial seals in Qin and Han dynasties(3)

Appreciation of Official Seals of Northern-Southern Dynasties

简介:Appreciation of Official Seals of Northern-Southern Dynasties

Famous works of Zhao Zhichen

简介:Famous works of Zhao Zhichen

Understand the history of offical seals in Qin and Han dynasties(1)

简介:Understand the history of offical seals in Qin and Han dynasties(1)

Appreciation of famous works of famous artisit: He Zheng(1)

简介:Appreciation of famous works of famous artisit: He Zheng(1)